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Serba-Serbi Cara Mencairkan, Menghangatkan, dan Menggunakan ASI (Air Susu Ibu) Perah

Serba-Serbi Cara Mencairkan, Menghangatkan, dan Menggunakan ASI (Air Susu Ibu) Perah
Ilustrasi menyusui dengan ASI perah. Credits: Freepik

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There are various conditions that necessitate the mother to express and save breast milk for future use, such as when the mother works, when the mother and baby are separated for an extended period, or when there are health concerns regarding the mother or baby. This remains safe as long as breast milk is expressed, stored, thawed, warmed, and used properly.

It is possible to store breast milk in the refrigerator for several days or in the freezer for several months, depending on the type of freezer and the temperature. In order to maintain the milk's quality when fed to the baby, it is important to always follow the instructions for storing, thawing, and giving breast milk.


How to Thaw Frozen Breast Milk

First of all, breast milk left thawed in the refrigerator should be consumed within 24 hours. Should it be thawed at room temperature or warmer, it should be used right away, one to two hours later. In order to preserve the same quality and consistency, it is unsafe to refreeze thawed breast milk.

The following are guidelines for thawing frozen breast milk:

  • Prioritize the consumption of breast milk that has been preserved for the longest duration.
  • To safely and gradually thaw frozen breast milk, place it in the refrigerator overnight. Nevertheless, in the event of an urgent demand, you might quicken the thawing process by putting the breast milk in warm, running water.
  • To preserve the nutritional value of breast milk and prevent overheating, it is recommended to avoid thawing it using boiling water or a microwave. Instead, gently stir the thawed breast milk by shaking it, being careful not to shake it aggressively.
  • Reduce the quantity of portions required by the baby to avoid wastage of breast milk.

Read more: Drinks To Help Increase Breast Milk Supply (Mother's Milk)


How to Warm Breast Milk

Breast milk that has been refrigerated must be heated with care to ensure that its nutritional value and consistency are preserved and that it is safe for baby consumption. The following are a few procedures to follow:

  • If you want to preserve the nutrients in breast milk, you should avoid boiling or extremely hot water. Also, don't heat breast milk in the microwave, as this can destroy the milk's beneficial nutrients and antibodies.
  • To prevent the fat from separating, gently soak and whisk the warmed breast milk in hot water.
  • Before feeding the baby breast milk, pour a little on your wrist or back to check its temperature.

Read more: Tips For Choosing Breast Milk Pumps (Mother's Milk)

To heat breast milk, in addition to the straightforward approach described above, you can also make use of a bottle warmer. To ensure that the warmer is safe for the baby and does not compromise the nutrients included in breast milk, it is essential that you pay close attention to the temperature of the warmer and ensure that it does not surpass forty degrees Celsius. When warming breast milk, it is important to use a timer so that the breast milk does not become very hot when it is administered to the baby.

The body can produce the necessary quantity of breast milk by pumping breast milk as frequently as the baby drinks. The value of this number may vary from person to person and may fluctuate as the baby develops. Consult a doctor or lactation counselor if you are experiencing breastfeeding difficulties or producing an insufficient amount of breast milk.


If you are experiencing breastfeeding difficulties or producing an insufficient amount of breast milk, you can either visit a doctor, lactation, counselor, or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store


Looking for more information about pregnancy, breastfeeding, and the health of women and children? Click here!

Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr. Alvidiani Agustina Damanik
Last Updated : Senin, 15 Juli 2024 | 06:50